Chapter 10

“Listen, angel, I have to go. Can you drive around and see if you can get a hold of the fathers-to-be? Otherwise they’ll miss the birth, and—”

“Sure, babe. You just make sure Beth and the little one stay safe.”

“Do my best.”

The two men exchanged ’I love yous’ and hung up. Sam turned off the stove, grabbed a light jacket and was out the door.

* * * *

Pulling down the driveway, Sam wondered where to try first. Pete’s secretary usually kept him on a short leash during working hours, so it wasn’t likely he was on lawyer-type business. As the owner of a small construction company, Billy was less predictable in his habits. Sam thought he’d give their cell phones a try himself, but just as they had for Zack, the calls went straight to voicemail. Sam didn’t bother leaving messages. He next tried their home phone, but after six rings he got their usually cute but now irritating message on their answering machine. Sam was beginning to loathe message-taking equipment.