Chapter 13

“Suppose I’d better get back to work,” Zack sighed and got to his feet.

“I love you, Doctor Zackary Pierce. Now and always,” Sam said, also standing, and giving his man a big hug.

Zack returned the gesture. “Thanks, Sam. For everything.”

Sam smiled. He knew what Zack meant.

* * * *

Sam went and got himself another cup of coffee and a packet of pretzels from the vending machine. The coffee was vile, but marginally less so than the stuff served at the station. As he came back into the waiting room, his heart sank.

“This was about the last place I’d expect to see someone like you.” Tom Hathaway was bald, bigoted and boorish.

“Mr. Hathaway,” Sam sighed. He didn’t need this right now.

Sam sank back into his chair, and, picking up another magazine, began to read. Maybe if he ignored Hathaway, the man would get a clue and leave him alone. No such luck.

“Didn’t think you fruits went in for having babies.”