??No! You promised.??
Widening his grin, Joey said, ??And I stick to my promises.?? He then leaned forward and kissed Kevin passionately on the lips.
Kevin soon opened his mouth and allowed Joey??s tongue inside.
Pulling back, gasping at how wonderful it was to be so intimate with his little friend, Joey said, ??And I also promised myself that if you??d been a good boy, I??d give you a reward.??
??A reward??? Kevin smiled.
??How??d you like a full body massage? It??ll also give me a chance to check out your arse.??
Kevin giggled.
??No, you horny pup, I meant check it out to see if it??s red or something.??
??It??s still a bit painful.??
??I??m still disappointed in you. It??s very important I be told when something??s wrong, so I can fix it if I can.??
??I know, I??m sorry.?? Kevin??s happy expression evaporated. ??It??s just,?? he swallowed, ??It??s just I never had anyone who??d take care of me before.??
??You do now. You got that???
Kevin nodded. ??Yes, Sir.??