Chapter 26

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??Why did I say it? Why couldn??t I have just kept my big trap shut???

Kevin despaired as he flopped onto his bed. Things had been going so well, so perfectly and he went and ruined it. The look of surprise, was it horror, on Joey??s face? Kevin didn??t think he??d ever be able to forget it.

Once his heart rate had returned to normal, Kevin tried to analyse the situation. Joey might merely have been surprised and not totally freaked out. Surely he must know how I feel about him, Kevin mused. He can??t expect me not to love him when he??s been so great with me. Kevin attempted to convince himself that all was not lost, but it wasn??t easy.

As he lay there, he felt something digging into his back. Reaching under himself, Kevin pulled out the box of suppositories. He decided he ought to use one, just in case Joey came back, he??d be angry if he found out they hadn??t been opened.