Chapter 44

??But.?? Joey let out a long sigh. ??Wham! when I wasn??t looking, someone came into my life and turned it upside-down, inside-out or however you wanna put it.??

??What??s his name???

??Kevin,?? Joey breathed out softly, even the mention of his lover??s name caused a tingle to wash through him.

??So, tell me about Kevin. What??s he managed to do, that no other man has been able to???

Joey closed his eyes momentarily. In truth he didn??t know. ??He kind of made me care for him, look after him, protect him. I didn??t even know I wanted to do those things. He??s smaller than me, more??more???? Joey tried to grasp for the right word.


??Um, yeah, I suppose that covers it. He??s been in an abusive relationship, I don??t think he??s told me quite how abusive. But despite that, he??s still sweet and??though he doesn??t agree with me??he??s really strong inside, you know???

Ted nodded.