??It??s me, Pup,?? Joey said before Kevin could get out his greeting.
??Sir??? Kevin sounded surprised but happy to hear Joey??s voice, which pleased the older man tremendously.
Joey wanted to say ??It??s good to hear your voice??, but something inside of him prevented the words from coming out. ??Um, did you pick up your glasses, are they okay???
??Yes, thank you, Sir, they??re great.??
??Good.?? Joey didn??t want to talk about mundane things like spectacles. ??Listen, I??m still in Hull. Grab a sandwich or something, we??ll go out to eat when I get back.??
??Whatever you say, Sir, but I really don??t mind cooking.??
??I know, but I don??t want you slaving over a hot stove.??
??I enjoy it, especially when it??s for you.??