Chapter 4

The water was freezing!

My joyride ended in disaster.

There I was,in a satin evening dress,leather jacket and lace up boots,in the middleof a fountain with a camel that didn’t belong to me.

All at once I wanted to cry.I felt stupid and cold and wet.I had no idea how I was supposed to get back to the hotel.This had to be the most idiotic thing I’d ever done in my life.

I clambered out.The camel was playing with the water,taking little mouthfuls and spewing them out,I supposed in imitation of the fountain.At least she’s having fun,I thought bitterly.As my feet touched dry ground,I became aware of someone watching me.This was the last thing I needed.Humiliation in the form of spectators.

I looked up.

Of all the times to be confronted with the most perfect specimen of the male physique!Tall,dark and handsome did not even begin to describe this divine man.

“Vousêtes complètement trempée,madame,”he said.