He scooped my wet clothes into the plastic bag and turned diplomatically away so I could take farewell of my nocturnal mount.
I rubbed Minouche’s nose,hitching the rug up as decently as I could,and kissed her goodbye.“And there’s that hug from Huntley,”I added.He’d be glad to know I’d carried out his wishes.
She looked so forlorn,tied up again.I walked with my French friend back to his car.
The trip back to the Hilton wasn’t very long.He asked my name and I quizzed him about his Turkish escapade and winning Minouche,as well as the obvious fact that he,like myself,kept horses.It transpired he lived in a ch?teau near Monsieur Joubin’s home village.He had not inherited it at the time of the camel transfer to his less well-off cousin and felt much to blame for her current status.His wife and two children declared her to be a‘sweetheart’because the animal was always so pleased to be visited by them in her lonely field.He even suspected his oldest daughter of having cut her loose.