Chapter 3

“Come for me.Right here,right now.Let me feel it.”Steven’s voice,low and sultry.

I groaned and leaned back.I thrust with my hips,working now,the crest of pleasure between my legs,moving into my cock.I ground hard against Steven’s grip,held ontoLady’s mane as we cantered,my legs tight against Lady,her rocking motion pushing us upward,my eyes closed now—oh there,right there,Steven,come me,come me,oh,Steven,there!—and then the warm spurt of my semen,a gushing sweet ache,ears buzzing as my orgasm shook me.

The morning crystallized—the cool breeze,the smell of the gulf and Lady’s scent,the wet on my belly,the feel of Steven’s legs against me,arms around me,holding me,safe.

I’ll never forget this moment.

“Lady,whoa,let’s walk,Lady,walk.”Steven leaned back and tugged on the reins.We bounced through her jolting trot again then she settled into her easy walk.“Goodgirl,Lady,good girl.Scratch her neck,Conrad.”