Chapter 4

Back at the motel,Steven stopped the car then just grinned at me for a few seconds.We sprinted for the door.Steven got there first.We had all four hands on the key,fumbling with the lock and then the door creaked open and we were inside.Finally,privacy.Our kisses were more bites this morning,too much lust and fire for gentleness.

“I…you—wanna shower first?”Steven’s voice was husky with that sensual timbre of arousal.

In answer,I just licked down Steven’s slick torso and pulled down his orange swim trunks.I loved to nuzzle at Steven’s groin,loved to press my rough beard against Steven’s soft belly skin and rub.Leave my mark.Steven smelled of pungent sweat andhorse today,and beneath it was the visceral smell of Steven’s cock.Nothing else was as real as this moment,nothing else mattered but Steven’s panting gasps,the feel of his balls in my palm,and I swallowed him whole.
