“And do what?I’m a failure.I failed my daddy,my—”
“Stop it!”Calvin shook him.“You did the best you could.”
The two fell silent.Brock started to shake again,both from the cold and fromthe fact he didn’t know what to do.
Noticing this,Calvin pulled him back into a hug and held him tight.
Right away Brock felt safer.
Through the rear-view mirror Brock saw a set of headlights approach and slow down.The tow truck moved in front of them and parked.The driver got out of his cab and started toward them.Despite the passage of time,and the man’s increase in weight—his bulk barely contained by his grease-stained T-shirt—Brock recognized him instantly.
“Fuck!”Could this day get any worse?Mean Mitch Madison had come to tow them.Mitch was the baddest,meanest,most evil SOB of Parish Creek High during their time there.Brock disengaged from Calvin and climbed out of his truck.