There was a flash of lightning,Brock counted,one-thousand,two-thousand…he got to eight thousand before the roll of thunder hit.
Calvin came back into the bedroom and told Brock off for moving.
“I’m still on the bed aren’t I?”
“Which part of‘don’t move’didn’t you understand?”
“Jeez.Aren’t you Mr.Bossy this evening?”
Calvin lightly slapped Brock’s ass.“But seeing as how you started,you maycontinue.”
“Oh,thank you.You’re so kind.”
For that he got another swat.He’d never admit it,but Brock kinda liked a bit of spanking now and again.
Belt and waistband loosened,Calvin started to peel the jeans down,and then stopped.“The fuckin’boots again.”
Brock couldn’t help his bark of laughter.
“Turn over onto your back.Jeez,talk about déjàvu.”
Brock complied.“I love it when you talk dirty to me.”
“Huh.Now come on,cowboy,left boot first.”
Footwear finally removed,Calvin pulled at the bottom of Brock’s Wranglers.