Calvin started slow…and kept it slow.Every third or fourth stroke saw the head of Calvin’s dick rub across Brock’s prostate.This resulted in a steady ooze of pre-come flowing from Brock’s dark red cock-head.
“Jesus,man,you’re tight.”
Brock squeezed his anal muscles on Calvin’s next outstroke.
“Nice!”Calvin groaned.He pushed in a bit harder,but still kept things slow…maddeningly slow.
“God,man,fuck me!”
Calvin leaned down and—although their sizes made it awkward—captured Brock’s lips for a kiss that had Brock’s balls tingling.
Releasing the kiss,Calvin said,“Knew you’d be a pushy bottom.”He raisedup and resumed his slow pace.
“Oh,man.”Brock threw his head from side to side.He had to get off.Despite knowing Calvin would stop him,Brock couldn’t prevent his hand from latching onto his dick and giving it a few hard pumps.
“Oh,no,you don’t.”Calvin pried Brock’s fingers off his dick.Lifting the hand,he gave each knuckle a separate kiss.