Back at home,Calvin arranged his ingredients on the counter.Turning the dial on the radio he found some Lee Greenwood and set about his tasks.
Within a couple of hours he’d finished baking.He’d wiped down the kitchen counters and even cleaned out the oven and the fridge.In short,he was bored and the conversation with his mom started to weigh down on him.Looking at thekitchen clock he saw it was a little after twelve.Brock had said to come over about three.
“But he also said to come when I was ready.”And Calvin was ready.He didn’t want to be alone.
Packing everything up in the car—including the remaining case of imported beer—Calvin set out for Brock’s house,anxious to have his cowboy hold him and—if he was lucky—kiss him.
“You’re early,”Brock said coming out of his front door just as Calvin was opening the trunk.
Calvin felt a wave of depression hit him.“Sorry,I’ll…I’ll come back later when—”