Chapter 40

“She knows you’re gay,right?”

“Oh,yes.That’s never been a problem.But I guess I’ve never introduced her to anyone,much less someone she already knew.”Silently Calvin added,‘someone she thought was straight.

“What did she say?”

Calvin swallowed and related the conversation as best he could recall.He hadno difficulty at all in remembering her final words.“So I pretended I had another call and hung up.”


“Brock,What we have—it is just the same.At least for me it is.”Calvin knew that was a loaded statement,but he just had to know.

Brock straddled the tree trunk to face Calvin fully.Calvin followed suit.

Brock leaned in and gave Calvin a gentle kiss on the lips.“Darlin’,you’ve turned my life upside down,inside out and back to front this past week.”

Was this a good or a bad thing?Calvin wondered.