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Chapter 1

Kenny Raymond wiped the condensation from the bathroom mirror and stood looking at himself.He glanced down at his dick,still half hard from his morning shower jack off.He looked back up at his reflection and sighed.

“You gotta get laid!”he told the image of the handsome blond-haired,blue-eyed young man looking back at him.“You and your left hand are gettin’too well acquainted.”

The man in the mirror nodded his agreement.

“Fat chance of that,”he went on as he opened the door of the medicine cabinet and took out his shaving cream and razor.“Not out here in Nowheresville.”

Kenny lived in a rural area of the state.He worked as a mechanic for old man Watson at his gas station,where a couple of two lanes intersected about a mile out of town.He had gone to trade school in the city.He hadn’t planned on coming back to the town where he grew up.He’d figured out he was gay in high school.He also found out being gay in small town,redneck America wasn’t too popular or exciting.So after getting his certificate as a fully trained auto mechanic,he decided to stay in the city and look for work where a gay guy was more likely to find acceptance and all the sex he could ask for.

But fate had had other plans.Kenny’s father died.His mom informed him at the funeral she had no means of support since his dad hadn’t taken very good care of finances.As her only child,he was all she had.So,back into the closet he went and home to live with and support his invalid mother.Ben Watson had given him a job.At least he was working as he had been trained,sort of.He was qualified to work on the fancy new computerized engines.About the most he was ever called on to do out here in the sticks was change the oil on old ladies’clunkers and adjust the carburetors on riding lawn mowers.But it was a job,and he was grateful.

Kenny looked at the reflection in the mirror again as he wiped the remains of the shaving cream from his face.

“Not too shabby,”he told the grinning face looking back at him.“You never had any trouble finding some ass back in town.Now Mom’s gone,why the hell are you still hanging around this place?”

His mom had died the previous winter.He sold the house,banked the money,and had planned to move to the city once more.But hehad stayed.Old man Watson asked him to remain until he could find a replacement at the gas station.Since Kenny felt some obligation to the old man for giving him a job when he needed it,he agreed.So Kenny moved to the small apartment at the rearof the station,but this was taking longer than he had imagined.He was restless…and horny.

Kenny pulled his sleeveless tee over his head as he left the apartment,letting the screen door bang shut behind him.Duke,his bluetick hound,bounded toward him from the direction of the woods behind the station.Kenny bent and ruffed the long,silky,black ears as the dog came to a stop in front of him and sat down,wagging his tail furiously.

“Where you been all night,mister?”Kenny asked,holding the hound’s head in his hands.

Duke stood and wiggled with excitement.

“Oh,I get it,”Kenny laughed.“You been over to Sutter’s place to visit Lulubelle.”

Duke let out a crooning bark.

“Don’t you go gettin’yourself and me in trouble by knockin’up that there fancy poodle of theirs.Can’t imaginewhat bluetick poodles would look like and Mrs.Sutter would have both our hides.She thinks that dog of hers is gonna be best in show someday.”

Duke sat again,cocking his head to one side as if seriously taking in all Kenny was saying.

“Well,at least one of us is gettin’his rocks off,”Kenny laughed as Duke got up and crooned again.

Man and dog walked around the corner of the gas station garage.Watson was already there,as usual,and had opened the two bay doors.Now he was out turning on the gas pumps and reading the gauges.He raised his head as Kenny came into view.

Ben waved and called out,“Mornin’,son.Gonna be a hot one.”

“Yes,sir,think you’re right,”Kenny replied.“Gonna get me and Duke a bita breakfast and I’ll be right out.”

“No hurry.Ain’t but one oil change and grease job lined up for the day.”

Kenny sighed and nodded as he ambled over to the convenience store part of the operation.Another borin’,do nothin’day,he thought.He looked back over his shoulder at the older man.Bet he was kinda a hot guy when he was younger.

Kenny felt a tightening in his groin,then said under his breath,“Man,you gotta get laid!He could be your granddaddy.”

“Hey,Kenny,what’s up?”came a bright,happy voice as he entered the store.

He could smell the fresh coffee brewing and felt his stomach growl.“Hey yourself,Sally,”he said to the matronly woman behind the counter working on getting things ready for the customers.“Can a couple of starvin’guys get some breakfast?”

“Sure thing.Donuts was just delivered,coffee’s brewing,and I just put the hot dogs on the spits.”She indicated the glass enclosed rotisserie where a half dozen franks slowly revolved in the glow of the infrared heat lamps.

“Thanks,Sal,”Kenny said,going to the beverage case and grabbing an orange juice.

He returned to the counter,opened the rotisserie,and gingerly pulled two hotdogs off with his fingers.He put them onto a plate,which he sat on the floor for Duke.They disappeared in less than two seconds.The hound sat and looked up at his master expectantly.

“That’s it,bub.You ain’t supposed to have people food in the first place.You got your bowl back at the house.”

Duke whined and headed for the screen door.With a disapprovinglook over his shoulder,he pushed it open with his nose and headed off in the direction of the apartment.

“Pretty smart old boy,”Sally said.

“Too smart,”Kenny replied,pouring himself a coffee and grabbing a couple of donuts.Putting his breakfast in a cup carrier,he started to leave.“You have a good day,Sally.Thanks for the breakfast.”

“That ain’t a proper breakfast for a fine,strappin’,young man like yourself,”Sally returned.“You oughta have a wife to fix you a proper one,as well as take care of you in other ways.Know what I mean?”she added with a wink.

“Well,I guess you gotta point.I sure could use someone to take care of me.”Kenny returned the smile.In his head he added,But it sure wouldn’t be no woman.

Sally continued her campaign.“Say,there’s a social at the church this Sunday night.Good food and good folk.I’m sure Luanne Grimely will be there.You ain’t seen her since high school,I bet.You’d be surprised at how she’s filled out.”

“Thanks,Sally,but I think I’ll pass.”You bet she’s filled out.I seen her uptown about a month ago.Wooee!Oink oink!

When Kenny got back to the garage,Ben Watson was talking with Ethel McGee,who had brought in her car for the oil change.Theyturned to him as he walked in.

“Mornin’,”Kenny said to the pair.

They returned his greeting.

“Just let me get this breakfast down and I’ll get right to work on your car,Missus McGee,”Kenny said,setting his OJ and coffee down on the work bench and taking a bite out of one of the donuts.

“There ain’t no hurry,Kenny,”Ethel replied.She turned to Ben.Slapping him on the shoulder,she said,“That how you take care of your help,Ben Watson?Why,that boy needs nourishment.Big man like that needs a proper meal.”

“Well,now,Ethel,”Ben laughed,“seems to me,by the look of him,he ain’t wastin’away none.”