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Chapter 2

“Just the same,he oughta have a good,home-cooked breakfast.”

Ethel walked over to where Kenny had seated himself on a stool by the workbench and was sipping his coffee.“Now my niece,Mary Sue Blakely over in Pinkerton,she can cook up a storm.Weren’t you friends with her brother,Stan?”

“Yes,ma’am,I was,”Kenny replied,feeling his dick tingle thinking of the mutual jack off sessions he and Stan used to share in the hay mow of the Blakely’s barn.

“Why don’t you get in touch with Stan?And while you’re at it,get reacquainted with Mary Sue.She ain’t married yet,youknow.”

Jeeezuz Christ,twice in one mornin’.“Thanks for the advice,ma’am;I surely will look into that.”When cows fly and hell freezes over.

Kenny finished his donuts,juice,and coffee and went to work on Ethel’s old Ford Fairlane.She continued to hover around him,talking about the weather,goings on in town,and mentioning Mary Sue in every other sentence.Kenny just nodded and yes ma’am’ed politely as he worked.