The bulk of the crows took flight at that point, swirling and tumbling on the early morning sea-breeze before taking off inland. The one on Kevin’s shoulder stayed put as Web stepped out of the trees and walked up the path.
“Morning!” he called out as he got close enough.
Kevin’s startled jump and spin to face him made him apologise.
“Fuck, sorry! I thought you’d seen me!”
The crow clinging to his shoulder mantled, putting its head forward and raising its wings, opening its beak in threat.
Kevin put a hand up to it, brushing its chest. “It’s all right, Grackle, we know him! Stand down!”
He smiled at Web. “Sorry! I forgot you were there. They were cross with me for missing their tea last night.” He gestured at the sparse remains on the wooden table. “They got extra this morning, though.”
Web smiled back. “Peanuts?” he said.
“And boiled eggs. Breakfast of champions, isn’t it, Grackle?”