“Don’t be so modest,” Tom said. “You were invited to sing the title role in the Elijahat the Bach Festival at Rollins College, and more recently you performed and recorded it with the Atlanta Symphony and Chorus.”
“I don’t like to brag,” Noah said.
“It’s not bragging when it’s an accomplished fact,” Tom said.
“I agree,” Dr. Mabry said, “and I wouldn’t mind hearing you sing, Noah.”
“Give me a minute,” Tom said. He dug into the captain’s case and produced a CD. “This is a recording of our Elijahat Good Shepherd. It’s not quite a professional recording, but it’s more than adequate to give you an idea of Noah’s capabilities.”
He handed the CD to Dr. Mabry, then returned to work at the organ. During a long pause, Noah said, “Is it just me, or does this organ sound a lot like our organ at the Church of the Good Shepherd.”