Chapter 82

“Really?” Mrs. Foster said.

“Oh, yeah,” Noah said. “The meadow was littered with beer cans, cigarette butts, and used condoms. Plus, the ‘good old boy’ who installed the driveway told us that he used to bring girls up here when he was younger.”

“I guess you’ve put them out of business,” Mrs. Foster said.

“You bet we did. ‘No Trespassing’ signs were the first thing we installed.”

“Cynthia,” Mr. Foster said, “are you ready for me to get our bags out of the car?”


“We’ll do it, Pop,” Tom said. “I’ve still got your car keys.”

“Knock yourselves out.”

They left Tom’s parents on the deck and went down to the car to retrieve the luggage. “Cynthia doesn’t believe in traveling light, does she?” Noah said as he struggled up the stairs with two heavy cases.

“She never has.”

They placed the luggage in the guest room and went back to the deck. “Your bags are in the guest room, Mom,” Tom said.

“Which guest room?”