“That’s what Steve said, and I have no doubt that you’ll probably spend most of your time in Steve’s room. But as I told Steve, everyone needs his own space, so this will be yours, even if you hardly ever use it.”
“Okay,” he said.
“Why don’t you and Steve start organizing the room while Philip and I go back for another load?” Mason said.
The boys started doing just that, and Mason and I went back down to the driveway.
“You handled that one very well,” he said.
“You and I both know that the two of them will spend every minute together, but as I told Roger, everyone needs his own space. In a week’s time, I’ll bet that most of Roger’s everyday clothes are in Steve’s closet, but that’s up to the two of them.”
“This whole business has really pissed me off,” Mason said. “As soon as I hear from your foundation guy, I’m going to the other parents—I know they’ll agree to go full tilt with a lawsuit.”