
Chapter 50

“What’s this?” Angela said as her husband opened his envelope and scanned its contents.

“A profit and loss statement for the boys’ business,” Mason said. “Attached to it is a check, which pays off my half of the loan on their truck and equipment.”

Philip had been studying his copy of the document and said, “I see you’ve added a separate category for the landscaping portion of the business.”

“Yes, Sir,” Steve said.

“You wouldn’t believe how many people want lots of shrubs and seasonal blooming plants but don’t have the time or ability to do it themselves,” Roger said.

“Steve, why don’t you show this to your mother?” Philip said, and he handed the document back to Steve with the attached check.

“You didn’t have to pay off the loan in a lump sum,” Mason said.

“We know that, but we need to buy another truck and some more equipment,” Roger said.

“And we wanted to make the point that the money is rolling in,” Steve said.