
Chapter 92

That evening we dined at a great Greek restaurant in the Dupont Circle area. After dinner, we browsed through a well known bookstore in the area—Kramerbooks, and had dessert in the bookstore’s Café which was appropriately named the Afterwords Café.

We took the Metro back downtown, walked to the hotel from the nearest stop, and were sound asleep by eleven. Twelve hours later, we were back in Atlanta. Since our resident chauffeurs were in school, we went home by taxi.

Atlanta, GACharles

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WHILE I was at my desk studying a deposition, my private line rang. Somewhat annoyed that my concentration had been broken, I picked up the telephone and somewhat harshly said, “Yes.”

“Well, if that’s the kind of greeting I get,” Philip said from the other end of the line, “maybe I’d better stay in North Carolina.”

“Sorry, it’s been a rough day.”

“How rough?”

“Babe, any day that begins with me waking up in an empty bed is already off to a bad start.”