Chapter 8


want sprinkles with that?” came Lee’s over-bright, over-loud voice from the

counter as he tried to grab back the attention of his latest customer.


large, soft hand rested on top of Eduardo’s. “She is a fool,” he said, very

simply and with no trace of irony.


looked into his eyes, ready with fresh anger—what the hell did Nuri know about

Eduardo, Eduardo’s talent, and/or his lack of it?—but something caught in the

back of his throat, preventing the instinctive snap of words.


he said. “Yes, she is.” And the catch in his throat turned out to be laughter.

Nuri smiled, and Eduardo let his laughter ride until it subsided to chuckles.

Gradually, the rest of the shop settled back to their treats with only an

occasional glimpse at Eduardo’s table. Eduardo leaned back in his chair, still

smiling, and resumed enjoying his ice.


was also still smiling. His hand was still resting on top of Eduardo’s, too.