I’ll find someone with proper expertise.” This time there was a definite, if restrained
gasp from the back of the hallway, and Eddy turned to see everyone—especially
Nuri’s mother—now glaring at him. He felt as if he’d stepped into the denouement
scene of The Mousetrap, and hewas the villain. Had he appalled
them that much? “I mean I’m not a criminal or anything. I’m sorry, I know you
all mean well but it’s best Nuri keeps his nose out of it.”
Eddy a criminal?” came Jamal’s young but dogged voice. “What did he mean about
the laundry?”
nose. Nuri’s nose!” giggled his sister Naz from behind Talya’s legs.
insult Nuri, you insult us all,” Mrs Emin said to Eddy.
frowned in frustration. “What? I’m sorry we’re arguing, but that’s not what I
has a law degree, Eduardo.”
Eddy felt he’d been hit by something very heavy and very solid, right in the
solar plexus. “Nuri? Nurihas a law degree?”