Chapter 24


was standing in reception, still and steady, dressed in jeans and a tight,

well-pressed shirt, with his curls combed back behind his ears, a serious look

on his face, and a slim document file under his arm. Mandi was back in her

place behind the welcome desk, though it was past her working hours. She had

her coat on, but also an expression on her face that said she wouldn’t be going

anywhere until she’d seen what happened between the two men.


had never been so pleased to see anyone in his life. He’d forego any Lottery

win notification, any contract for Jersey Boys, any paparazzi who may

one day be lurking to catch his star on the rise—only to see Nuri waiting for



walked up to Nuri. His fingers itched to touch Nuri’s cheek: to stand chest to

chest and rub his face against Nuri’s beard. His whole body ached for the

contact. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly.Tooquickly. But how much time