Chapter 83

No, there was

just laughter and love and hope. And fun. He was ambushed by a strong sense of

excited anticipation. His father would take him fishing soon! And although

mother had told him he couldn’t take Adem’s old bicycle with them to England,

he still had many months left of adventuring with it on the hills before they

moved away. He sucked in another breath, a broad smile on his face. There was

lamb stew for supper. Another swimming lesson tomorrow. A planned trip to town

to buy Sadi new shoes. And over everything, the wonderful, warm wrap of


Nuri had visited

Turkey since they moved to England, on family holidays. But nothing could

compare with the emotions of childhood conjured up now. It was a much purer,

concentrated love—an instinctive, innate affinity with the world around him,

and the familiar and comforting sense of home.

The vision was

fading. Slowly—like one of those media effects his nephew Selim used in his