Chapter 82

“Do you think…?”

Eddy said slowly and a little nervously, “… the thing with so many Santas on

the streets this year…?”


“It may be an

omen. A message to us.”

“You think it’s

a conspiracy?” Nuri smiled.

Eddy huffed.

“I’ve always been very sensitive, you know.”

“Yes, I know

that for a fact, especially behind your balls.”

Eddy snickered.

“You’re a dirty young man.”

“Yes, thank

you.” The traffic was suddenly very heavy. Nuri waited patiently for the flow

to pass, wishing he could get warm again. He loved London with a passion, but

it never matched his homeland for heat.

“Anyway, that

thing with Santa was just a joke,” Eddy said.

“Of course it


“It’s not as if

he was… you know.”

“Really Santa


“Really Baba


They looked at

each other for a moment in the mirror, then they both laughed. “Of course not!”



Nuri turned back

to watching the traffic. Where on earth was this new rush of cars coming from,