“Oh, I expect a long vacation is in order. After that, I can’t say.”
I probably should have kept my mouth shut, because when I mentioned an immediate vacation, an aging sob sister made an obvious connection between what I’d said and what Charles had said earlier, and asked point-blank, “Mr. d’Autremont, are you and Mr. Barnett an item?”
I looked at Charles and said, “I don’t know. Counselor, are we?”
He smiled and sidestepped by saying, “Sorry, I never talk about the personal affairs of my clients.” He changed the subject adroitly, adding, “There are a number of people whose collective efforts have made this case so successful, not least of these are my associates and my secretary. Also, a tremendous amount of credit goes to the investigation team headed by Richard Greene of Greene & Associates. And now, if you folks will excuse us, it has been a very long day.”