He sat down at his desk and picked up the telephone to summon Rosemary, who came in, pad in hand, and took a seat.
“Call the travel agent we use and make some reservations for two. First class tickets to San Francisco and back. Book a room for two at the Francis Drake and reserve a car for us at the airport. Departure should be early Wednesday, return flight two weeks later. Call me at home as soon as you have confirmation. And Rosie?”
“Yes, Sir?”
“Thanks for everything you’ve done during this trial.”
“Just doing my job, boss,” she said, but she looked pleased.
“Your job, as you put it, is going to get a little harder in the near future, as you may have guessed from Andrew’s announcement.”
“Oh, yes, I heard it on the grapevine before the press conference. By the way, congratulations.”
“Thanks, and we’ll discuss appropriate adjustments to your salary when I get back from this trip. Is Richard lurking about the premises somewhere?”
“I believe he’s in Mark’s office.”