Chapter 27

“I invited all of you here this evening for several reasons. First, I wanted to thank you for being so hospitable to a stranger from a strange land—I came here straight from an aircraft carrier, and it doesn’t get much stranger than that. From the moment I met Quentin and Nate, and through them everyone else at this table, I’ve felt more at home in Jacksonville than I ever have anywhere I’ve lived. Second, I wanted to introduce you to my best friend in all the world. Some of you have met him already. We were instant friends when we met as roommates in college years ago, and have remained so ever since. And third, I want to announce that Mickey and I recently discovered something about each other that we’d kept hidden all those years.”

“Let me guess,” George said, “you’ve always loved each other. Right?”

“On the money,” Chris said. “But how could you know that?”