Chapter 48

“I’m doing okay, or at least I’m getting used to things.”

“What can I do for you today?”

“You handle medical malpractice, don’t you?”

“You bet I do.”

“I want to sue the hospital at NAS, and a specific surgeon,” Chris said.

“Suing Uncle Sam isn’t easy,” Mitch said.

“But it can be done, right?”

“For sure, depending on the circumstances of the case.”

“Then let me tell you about mine,” Chris said.

“Fire away. Mind if I turn on my recorder?”

“Not at all.”

Chris spelled everything out in disgusting detail, and Mitch prompted him with questions as the story unfolded. When Chris finally stopped talking, Mitch sat thinking for a while.

Finally, he said, “So your contention is that this Dr. Shively was under the influence of alcohol when his scalpel slipped?”