Chapter 69

Mickey led them to the rental car, and they climbed inside. Teddy wanted to squeeze into the front seat with Chris and Mickey, and because it was a bench seat, complete with three seatbelts, they said that he could. Their dinner went well, and by the time they were ready to leave the restaurant, Teddy seemed to be warming up to both Chris and Mickey.

They returned to the hospital, and Chris took his brother’s hand as they followed their grandparents up to their mother’s room. His grandmother went inside the room, but returned almost immediately.

“She’s sound asleep. We’d best come back in the morning.”

They returned to the waiting area and were about to leave the hospital when Chris’ grandfather spoke for almost the first time. “Why don’t we ask Chris and his friend to follow us to the apartment, Ma?”

“Good idea,” she said. “He’ll need to know where it is.” She looked a question at Chris.

“We can do that,” he said.