Chapter 3: Be Careful with Your Surroundings

As we walked into the building, Katy turned around and poked my chest.

"Since you are new to this school. Let me give you the more important details on how this school works." She sounded serious.

I replied, "O-kay… I guess." I didn't take it seriously

She continued, "In this school, each student has their own club that they go to and most of the clubs here are for fighting. The reason is that it is either you become really good at fighting or random students will start to fight you and there will be no one to help you."

"... oh."

"Since you are a new student and very weak." She said it confidently.

I took a slight offense to that, "Hey!"

"I took you here, so you don't end on the wrong side of the fight."

A paused accord, "What if I do it? I'll be just a beginner."

She replied softly, almost whispering, "That's why I'm here."

"That's sweet but you don't need to pro… tect…" I stopped myself mid-sentence as I saw someone bigger than me come right up to my face. His muscles just gave me the biggest hint that messing with him is just the worst mistake you can ever do in your life.

"Why hello there," said the big man. "Who is this Katy? What homeless broke man did you bring to my dojo this time."

"Hey dad."

Katy hugs her… Dad? This blond hair, bright blue eyes guy, is Katy's father? Genetics are weird. He had a short beard but was barely noticeable since his hair is blond. Looked like he was in his young forties. Seemingly looking like he was the oldest guy in this entire building, it looked like he was the master or leader of this building. The building seems to have an old Japanese-style building pattern but the walls were made out of brick. I guess the looks do help settle the mood and bricks don't really help make the place look good

"What's your name son?"

"My name is Shadow Shakri."

"Welcome to the Phoenix Dojo. My name is Jack and I am the sensei for this club. Katy did the right thing to bring you here young man.

"Nice to meet you, Jack." I extended my hand saying that and we both gave each other a good firm handshake.

"Now let's get you settled in with some clothes for you to change from your uniform and test you out."

Didn't even say yes or agree to any terms but alright I guess. As I followed Katy and her father, I looked around the building and saw some pictures and flags hanging on the walls. They seem to be championships that this club has won over the years and they seem to be fairly consistent too. There was even a Hall of Fame picture wall and one of the pictures had Katy on it with all her gold medals on her chest. Damn, she must be very good. Jack seemed to be talking about the history of this dojo and how it was made and I completely haven't heard not one word from him.

"...and that is how this dojo came to exist."

"Oh, cool." I replied hoping he took the bait.

"Now there should be clothes to try on and when you find the perfect fit then that will be your uniform whenever you enter this building,"

He took it. A moment of relief for me.

I gave him a nod to signal that I understood and went inside. The dojo's uniforms were in a huge wardrobe and I opened them. All the uniforms consisted of the color white but there was a badge on the light jacket that had a red fire phoenix on it. Seemed cool to me, honestly. I took off my school uniform and put them in a locker that I will remember at the end of the day and changed to the uniform that fit me the best. I took a white belt and tied it up. I came out ready for action. The uniform felt really nice on my skin. The cotton texture helped my body breathe inside and my moment is flexible unlike the school's uniform.

"Perfect. Now since we need to test you out," he turned from looking at me to the students. "Who wants to verse this guy?"

"Wait, what?" I immediately didn't know what just happened because somehow I am already going to be fighting someone.

Katy then pulled Jack's arm, "Let me do it."

Jackson yelled throughout the whole building, "We have a challenger. Students form a circle to represent the battle area."

All the students came into the room which was a typical large size dojo room that can fit a hundred fighters, maybe more. They all sat in a big circle which was more than enough space for even a two on two fight can happen. I looked back to Katy and she had herself a black belt tied onto her waist and my heart was already skipping beats. In my mind, I didn't know any form or technique. I was never in a fight before. But here it goes, since I got no strategy in attacking I went with a more defensive stand and tried to tire her out at best. Jack was the referee and he had his hand raised so Katy got herself in a position that I assume was her normal fighting position. Her stance seems to be an all-out attack since she doesn't seem to have her arms up to create a defense for her. She had one arm bent to the side and the other arm went straight down with her body leaned forward. I tried to think of a counter and went with a defensive stand. Having one arm up which was my right arm and the left arm was straight down. I was also leaning back and on my toes to make sure she does not out-speed me. When Jack swung his hand down like a karate chop. I saw Katy come up, flashed before my eyes, right in front of me. She extended her arm and I was completely still. I see her hand glow and a blast right in my stomach. Making me fly and slamming into a brick wall of the outer dojo.

"Whoa, I told you to take it easy."

"Sorry, sir."

I passed out. It was so knocked out because I never felt that much pain in my life. And never have I gone through a wall before. Katy and Jack came to my rescue and in the last few seconds I'm awake, I see Katy's hand glow and be pressed onto me. I started to wake up. Coughing vigorously.

"What… Was that?" Demanding them some sort of explanation

Jack told me, "Relax young one. She is using her chakra to heal you."

I questioned again, "Chakra?"

Jack explained, "Yes chakra. It is a power, an energy, within us all that can be used for defense or healing. Though there is a special bloodline where not only do they have chakra but they have magic. And as you can see Katy is one of my special students who is a descendent of this family. The only time when her magic is being used is when the enemies of the dark have come to attack us. Though that has never happened before. And she wasn't supposed to use it against you." He stared at Katy.

Katy looked away smiling and giggling.


I stare at the hand making a mesmerizing glow, "Thanks." After Katy healed me up. The coach put me in a section of a group which was beginners like me to do some simple exercises. We were stuck for two hours. The instructor told his subordinates to help them focus on their techniques and punching styles. Forms and defense and what other things. I didn't want to sign up for a club but I guess Katy was trying to protect me. A lot of things were popping into my head. Until I saw Katy leaving the dojo and signaling me to come along with her. I went up to her.

I asked, "What are you doing?"

She ignored the question, "Come on let's leave. I know you are bored, don't say you aren't."

I couldn't refuse since all I was doing was standing in one spot and just punching in the air. No actually fighting going on. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "fair enough." We went outside. She knew I had my stuff in the locker so she had a key in the backdoor for me to sneak in and grab my stuff. I did change quickly and put the uniform in my bag because I will look so dorky in that uniform out in public. Much rather wear my hoodie all day and fewer people can get to see my face. I don't know why I have the need to hide who I am.

"Look I know it was boring but I was willing to put in the work to actually climb up the ranks and finally know how to fight."

"You won't be climbing up anything anytime soon with the system that we have. We barely got coaches and we are trying to bring in more members. Even with the limited number of coaches we are afraid of the future and try to get in more manpower."

"Well, how am I supposed to get better if I don't do their training fully."

She stopped and turned around to me, "Don't worry." She raised her hand to my shoulder and looked at me straight in the face for once. "I can train you myself… if… you want?"

I couldn't shake off the feeling to not blush but I did anyway. How can I say no to that face? Her blue eyes looked like diamonds as the moonlight had come onto her face and her eyes started to shine. Couldn't hold the fact that I started to like her but her own nature is weird.

I didn't resist, "Sure I would like that. I think that would be great."

We got back to my dorm for some reason, my best guess was that she wanted to rest but hell if I know. She wanted coffee so I grabbed some coffee beans, poured some water inside the machine and started it up. She sat on the couch that was right next to the balcony window of my dorm room. She happened to open the curtains that I would never do and found out I got a balcony. I was surprised and shrugged it off. She was just looking outside but I had some questions.

"So about the future that you are worried about. Can you tell me more about it?"

She was silent.

"What about training? How are you going to train me?"

She was still not answering. I didn't say anything as the coffee was almost done so I grabbed the mugs and milk.

"Any milk in your coffee?"

She replied, "No."

I poured the coffee and poured milk in one of the mugs for myself and gave her the coffee without the milk. "Are you going to answer my question or just stare at the night sky?"

She went back to being silent.

I sat down on the single chair that was in front of Katy and looked at her and looked outside. Trying to see what she was looking at but whatever it was, I can't seem to see it. The room was quiet, very quiet. I could hear the electricity in the light bulbs buzzing. She picked up her coffee and started to drink it and I was happy she was here with me today I suppose. But she still wasn't saying anything. We drank our coffees in peace which felt nice. Got to relax after that long first day of school. I started to doze off on the chair that I was sitting on. Suddenly my eyes were getting heavy so I shut them to rest for a little bit.