Chapter 4: Rude Awakening

I happened to wake up with the coffee mug in my hand on my lap but no Katy. The sun was rising, I must've slept through the entire night. She must have left, I guess. Couldn't blame her though. I was beaten after that massive blow I took from her. A memory flashed in my eyes how I got blasted through a wall and almost couldn't breathe. My body went into a mild shock but I just checked myself, to get some confirmation that there were no holes in my body, bones broken, or even blood. I seem to be doing fine so I kept that thought in my head. I changed to my school uniform and I washed my face. I shook my head and started to wake up. I redid my hair tie and went to class. I knew the building and retraced the steps to get to the class I needed to go to. I got to the class and what I expected was Katy sitting on her usual seat at her desk but the chair was empty. I couldn't do anything at this point since class is about to start and I don't even know where her room is to find her if she is still sleeping. I focused on my class and got to work. I realized what part they are in for math class but the biology and history class are quite confusing since tests and quizzes are coming up and I feel like I will only get less than half of what they teach me. Since my arrival was so late. I turned around quickly as I heard a weird whisper coming from the window. Katy was waving to get my attention.

"Um... How?" I am definitely questioning my life right now at this moment.

"Katy, what are you doing?" Trying to whisper to her as much as possible.

She whispers back, "You said you wanted me to train you right."

I nod my head slowly.

"Well then come on." She disappeared and the teacher was still writing on the board and talking at the same time.

"But I- uh... the... fine." I went up to the windowsill and looked down to see a ladder had been placed. "I swear this girl is something else."

I went back to my desk and waited for the right moment. As the teacher turned around to examine the class I was pretending to write. As he turned around, I picked up my bag and threw it. Yep, and I hope she caught it because I had my laptop inside it. I put my hand on the windowsill and jumped but not too far to not being able to reach the ladder. I got my hands on the ladder and continued to go down the ladder by having my feet on the sides of the ladder. When I got close to the ground, I jumped right next to Katy. And she seemed to have caught my bag.

"Thanks for catching my bag."

"It was painful. What did you have inside?" She handed my bag back to me.

"An important laptop."


"That shouldn't be the main concern. When did you get a ladder?"

She answered confidently, "I always make sure I have it there if I ever want to skip class."

"This girl I swear," I said that out loud on purpose.

"Come with me."

She walked in front of me, guiding me to wherever she was leading me. I just noticed that she was wearing some sports clothes as this was definitely not standard uniform. Far from it because of the amount of skin that showed. Though one thing that still didn't change was the fact that she still had her sword in her hand as usual. Her hair though was swinging everywhere but in perfect symmetry for some reason. I shook it off and placed my eyes somewhere else before I get caught staring. We ended up in a park where it seemed to be open with a few trees here and there. She stopped immediately and turned around.

"Here we are."

"At a park?"

"Yep." A few seconds passed. "What are you looking at?"

"You're cute. I MEAN ummmm." How did that slip out of my mouth?

At this point, I was expecting her to take her sword and knock me out but clearly, she didn't see it coming either. I saw her cheeks get redder and she covered her mouth in shock. She adjusted herself and took off the feeling.

"So... Shall we start with the basics?" She completely ignored it and went on. She put her sword on the side. "I'll just defend myself and you can attack me."

I couldn't just... attack her. Hitting a girl has been such a holdback. I tried to not show I was trying to hold back by taking a stance but that didn't work. I tried throwing a punch and she swiped it out of the way. I went again and she dodged it. "Alright hotshot." I went at her and threw some punches and then she stopped one of my punches by catching it with her bare hands. She raised an eyebrow at me.


I pulled back, "My bad."

"I'll now teach you how to do this and you might be able to defend yourself against anyone you get into a fight with."

"Sure, go ahead."

She went through everything. How a little shoulder move can predict the next throw and how to avoid fakes. Not letting yourself be fully exposed to one single attack but multiple. We were sparring and I was getting better at blocking the attacks, and taking hits as well. We went on for a good two hours of non-stop fighting until she got me right on the side where the liver is. Got me good and went on the floor laying on my side. She got me so good that my balance got impaired. Felt like she hit a pressure point and my entire body began to shut down.


"Give up?" she walked around me and stared down, looking tough and smiling.

"Yep, you got me." I laid on my back.

She laid down with me on the grass and looked at me so I looked back. Now we are staring at each other. We both looked like sweating pigs. Panting heavily and trying to catch our breaths. The fact that I skipped 3 hours of class wasn't in my mind at this point.

"So... we are going to do this... every day now." Kept pausing in between my sentences to catch my breath.

"Yep, if you can handle it."

Took a second to think, "Yea... yea I can do it."

For the first time, Katy was smiling at me and laughing. She was giggling and it looked super cute as she scrunched up into a ball laughing at me. I noticed as we were laying down her dimples on her cheeks close to her eyes. We stayed at the park for hours. We didn't even show up at the club and happen to sit by a tree and let the seconds be spent on us sitting with our backs to a tree and the sweet smell of pollen air sweeping by us. When the sun went down it was completely dark, and the moon was already above us.

Tried to break the silence, "The moon looks beautiful tonight."

"Yea, it is." She looked up. "That also means we got to go." She got up and so did I

We walked back to the campus, and I was ecstatic about how this day turned out to be. I was also cheerful to be with someone for once. Never have I ever got this excited being close to another human. I asked before we split our way to our dorm if we are doing the same tomorrow. She nodded her head and walked a few steps back with her hands behind her back, bending forward slightly. She raised one hand and waved bye at me and I waved bye back. I went back to my dorm and had some homework to do before I think of anything else. I went to the cafeteria even though it was the middle of the night. Got myself some sushi and went back to my dorm to eat it peacefully while I checked on my laptop what was going on in the world today. Though I did not eat as much as I would to get full, I just considered this to be my diet day since I lost track of time.

I did enough work for today to call it a night. I went to take a shower because of all the running around, sweat, and dirt that was on my body. I felt disgusting from the beginning but I like to get everything out of the way before I take a shower. Hot showers make me fall asleep. Once that hot water soaks my body, it just knows that I can relax right now for tomorrow to come.