Chapter 16: First Day

I woke up the next morning barely remembering what happened to me. I could recall the event, but not so much. The events that took place that night had me thinking it was all just a dream, but it wasn't. When I sat up, the towel dropped down to my lap and it all made sense now. Nina and Linda did come to save me and helped me. I felt my forehead but it still felt a bit hot. I grabbed Katy's sword and held on to it one more time before I finally left the bedroom to go and train. I went to the bathroom to go wash my face. Placed the sword right next to the sink and looked up to the mirror that was on top of the sink. I tried to imagine myself speaking to Katy one last time. Now with a stable mind, I looked at the mirror. "Katy...I'm sorry for being weak. You can rest assured that your mission in your life was successful and your life will not be in vain. I'm coming to see you again. Just wait for me." I picked up the sword, got out of the bathroom, and went outside.

"Mister Shadow, Mister Shadow." I could tell it was Yanni calling for me before I even started to turn around.

"Good morning little one. What's up?" I put my hand up for a high five but Yanni shook her head.


"Whaaat? What's wrong?" Trying to hit that tone of disbelief.

"I want a hug."

My eyes were in awe as she got closer to hug me. "Aww, you are just so cute." It made my day knowing she wanted a hug from me.

Then Yanni let go, "Alright I got to go, Mom wants me to clean my room and I don't want to die."

I chuckled a bit, "Alright cutie. I'll be keeping your mother busy anyways. So finish up quickly, I can't hold her forever."

Yanni started to run upstairs like it was her mission

I walked outside in the backyard and approached Linda "Well well well, looks like someone is finally ready." I looked up to see Linda staring at me with her chin up high. I smirked seeing the competition climbing.

I pulled out the sword, "You're on."

Linda gets into a fighting position, "Alright." She activates her magic, "Let's do this." I got my serious face on, no more joking or moping around. "Oh Shadow, be careful with that because-"

I ran up quickly and slashed the sword horizontally. It was a simple first move attack and Linda avoided it simply flipping backwards. She swung her legs through the air, pushed off from her hands, and caught her balance like another day at work. "Tsk," I charged in again with multiple slashes crossing over everywhere. Every miss that I swung got me more intense and focused on getting at least one hit. I slashed up, down, left, right, and across diagonally. All Linda was doing was practicing her dodging skills. My eyes turned purple and the magic went flowing toward the sword. "Shadow wait." The sword turned into a golden light which flashes out at me from nowhere and throws me off. The light burned me as I was blasted off-balance from it. I picked up the sword again and my eyes were more purple. As I picked up the sword, it did the same thing. Burnt my hand and blasted golden light on my face. Not only was the palm of my hand burnt but my arm, neck, and the side of my face looked like I got a sunburn but worse. I aggressively grabbed my wrist and couldn't fight anymore. I was in severe pain.

"I tried to warn you." Linda put her hand on her hip and leaned on one side.

In an angry tone, "What do you mean? How am I supposed to use that sword if it is against me?"

Linda facepalmed, "Shadow the sword isn't just a normal sword it is made out of dragon gold. Your demon magic will obviously make the sword go against you. You would need my magic to activate the sword but for now, no magic. Just swing the sword."

"Damn, alright, I'll keep it in mind."

The fight continued but the fight kept getting deeper in my head. This time every miss I made, Linda took advantage of it and punched me at certain locations. First, it was the stomach then the chest and sooner or later she tried weakening my arms and legs. But my mind wants to put everything it has to finish its enemy off as quickly as possible. Linda was attacking me harder now and this turned out to be a full-on fight. My magic popped out again and my eyes turned a deeper purple. Eventually, the sword took my magic and used that energy to slash my arm. It took my energy and made it into a razor-sharp light that cut through some layers of skin. I punched the ground very hard as I still had my aura activated and essentially used that energy left in me to cause a small crater around me. The dirt around me popped up and cleared immediately.

I shouted, "Dammit I hate this! This doesn't make sense. How do I make this work?"

"You can't use the sword while using your born aura."

"This is a waste of time. If only I can use it properly."

Linda said reassuringly, "Don't worry Shadow, don't be upset. You will find a way. Come on now, you need to get your hands healed and I have to cook for the family."


I see Linda going to the kitchen getting the food ready as I head upstairs to my room. I got to the shower. My arm was bleeding still so I sat on the floor putting pressure on the cut. I got bruises all over my body. I let the water clean every flow down through my body letting every inch of dirt and dust get off me. I cleaned my wound and wrapped it up. I wore some sweatpants to cover some of the bruises and a shirt to do the same. The shirt was a tank top which didn't cover the massive bruises in my body much so I took a hoodie and it helped cover everything. Before I wore the hoodie, I saw blood coming through the wrapping. It wasn't too much but it was kinda worrying. I hope the blood isn't going to go through the bandages and stain my hoodie. The door began to knock.

"H-hey um… can I uh… come in."

I thought about it a bit, "Yea… sure."

Nina opened the door and walked in with a typical first aid kit.

"What is that for?"

Nina started to blush, "I um saw you come in and you barely were able to walk upstairs. So I assumed you might need some help."

"No… no it's fine." I immediately refused.

"No need to resist the help. I know you are hurt. Please let me help you."

Hesitantly accepting, "F-fine."

Nina helped me get on the bed and I sat down on something comfortable. Nina grabbed my hoodie, "take this off."

I got completely sidetracked, "Oh what oh um okay."

"And take the tank top off."

"R-right." I began to blush with her.

Nina began to do her thing and start bandaging my body. One thing's for sure is that she couldn't stop blushing more.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah why."

I stared at her face and then focused on her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I looked away and shook my head, "Sorry my bad. It's nothing."

"I don't mind you looking at me."

I thought about it as I took another look at her face, "Nina, I should be downstairs. Before your mother starts looking for me."

"I mean s-sure but mom-"

Linda shouted throughout the entire house, "Dinner is readyyyy~!!!"

We looked back at each other and I said, "Looks like we have to go."

Nina in a sad tone said, "Yea I guess so." She starts packing up the medical kit. "Go ahead of me. I'll be right there."

"Gotcha and thank you."

I walked downstairs putting back on my tank top and my hoodie. As I got downstairs the food was on the table and the plates, forks, and knives were set. The wine bottle was in the center and the adults were drinking to their leisure. I sat down on one side of the table which was next to Yanni and next to Jack who was at one of the ends of the table. I served myself and started to eat. Nani came a few minutes later to sit in front of me and served herself to start to eat. We were all eating quietly like we usually do. I've learned this since when I joined their first dinner and noticed complete silence. There was an empty seat which made me not eat as much as I usually do because of the guilt that builds up inside me. Yanni started to hug my arm and lean on it. She was seemingly falling asleep.

I asked, "You okay?"

Yanni weakly replied, "Yea~."

She hugged my arm tight like it was a big pillow. I looked at everyone to see what I should do but they seemed to be eating. I didn't want to disturb them.

"Looks like our little girl is tired." I turned to look and see Jack giving me the idea to carry her to her room.

"Um, yes. Uh, I should just carry her to her room. Let Yanni sleep." I see Linda nodding her head as she agrees and Jack signaled me with his hand to do it. So I got up and carried Yanni to her room.

I carried her like a princess in distress. I carried her to the bed and tucked her in. She seemed to be out cold by the time I was on the stairs. I went to my room to wash myself a bit. Splash some hot water and get ready for the night. As I slept I was awakened by knocking on my door.

Through the door, Yanni's voice muffles, "Mister Shadow? Are you awake?"

I got up quickly in some sort of panic because Yanni was acting weird, "Oh God Yanni!"

She quickly hugged me as she fell on me.

"Yanni, stay with me~" I felt her cheeks and forehead and it felt like she grew a massive fever. So I carried her again to her bed and tucked her in. "Where does it hurt Yanni?"

"My tummy hurts."

I tried putting pressure on her stomach but it didn't seem like it was helping. I got some heavy blankets from her closet to put over her. "I think you might just need some soup. You barely ate your dinner anyways. I'll be back."

I went into the kitchen and got some leftover soup. All I had to do was reheat it. I got some vegetables as well to cut and bring some flavor to the broth. I heated it but I didn't want to make it too hot. I went upstairs back to Yanni's room and went in slowly. She was struggling to even stay up and move her head. I placed my hand on her forehead and she was burning up more than before. I sat right next to her and she desperately cried out, "Mr. Shadow…" I got so worried about her and picked her up a bit. I let her sit on one of my legs and let her lay her back on me. It seemed like she couldn't even move a finger at this point. I picked up the bowl when she was secured on my leg and started to feed her. I can tell she was really hungry. She was able to finish the bowl and started to lay her head on my body. I was frozen by the adorableness but I couldn't stay here any longer. She needed her rest and so I got her to lay on the bed. Adjusted the pillow and her arms in the right position and left her room. It was one in the morning so she is probably gonna wake up late so I might have to give her mother an explanation and probably get some medicine if she ain't feeling any better. Man, even at one in the morning my brain still brings out scenarios of what to do immediately. My brain just never stops talking to itself.