Chapter 18: First Mission

Had to go on foot all the way to the city. I wouldn't go trying to find a potentially big demon base with a loud car. I took the liberty to walk all the way and enjoy the silence. It took five hours to hike to get myself to the center of the city. As I was walking around, I realized how much I feel exposed to the public since I am the only one holding a katana at my waist. Makes me wonder how Katy confidently holds her katana wherever she goes. It was badass to see her walk around with her katana. I looked so awkward but I kept my back straight and tried to avoid the eyes that made contact with my unusual item in my hand.

As I was walking in the city trying to see if I should probably go to a coffee shop and sit down to eat my first meal. But I was suddenly pulled away into a dark alley. Took me by surprise as they threw me deeper inside.

"So we got a new visitor."

My head started to spin. Ignoring the pain, I looked up. Two humanoid figures pop up from the shadows.

"Do you think he's related to that other pathetic dude?"

Another person pops out of the dark, "He must be, like does he have to be that obviously by holding a sword like that."

I asked, "wh-who are you guys?"

"Let's take him to see his friend for the last time. Will be a good reunion for him."

"Don't you d-" Wacked from the back of the head, I lost consciousness.

It was so painful to wake up. Especially when my arms were in the air, chained up and hooked at the back of the wall. No way to rub my head to make sure I was okay. I struggled once I woke up. The chains clanged along with each other and tightened my wrist as I pulled. Unable to move my hand closer to me at all.

"Hey, wake up."

There was a soft whisper being heard right next to me. It keeps getting louder and louder the more I try to adjust myself. "Hey, come on man, wake up."


"Finally, you are awake! What happened to you?"

I responded, "I don't know I got pulled into a corner and someone hit me in the back of my head."

"They are those weird dudes again. Must be trying to imprison more people."

"How long have you been here," I asked immediately.

"Oh, I don't know. A few days now I suppose."

"A FE-..." Changed my tone to a whisper, "A few days?"

"Well I'm not a hundred percent certain but I would say a few days."

I turned my body as much as possible to later look at him and see his body badly damaged and scarred. The dried-up blood markings on his body and face looked like he was treated terribly. "Are you with anyone else?"

"My girlfriend was on a mission and suddenly disappeared. I knew where she was at least and I wanted to go see her for a little bit but I guess I went to the wrong city. Because um… well I'm here." He forces his elbows up to signal a shrug telling me that he barely knows much anymore. Being stuck for a few days here would make any person clueless about what will happen next and have to mentally prepare themselves for what might happen next.

"Is she captured here too?"

"No, thank God she's not here. She's probably in a different city and I just got lost on my way there."

"Do you have a way out of this? I can't stay like this anymore."

"Why? You got someone waiting for you?"


"I see but does it look like I got one?"

I checked myself a bit more to see what has gone missing and I realized, "My sword is gone. Great, now I need to find it and get it back."

"Wow! You had a sword? That's cool."

"Now I'm pissed. Oh wait, here they come."

The automatic door slid sideways indicating that someone was walking through the door and happened to be the same three people again.

"Are we gonna do like we used to do?"

"Yes, he will be useful doing that." Sounded like he was the leader of the three.

"Did you hear that dogs?!?" The biggest guy out of the two kicked me right in the gut defenseless.

I groaned in pain. I wanted to fall to the ground but the chains only allowed me to lean. He kicked me so hard it felt like my inside had flattened. Felt like the air wasn't able to get through anymore for a moment.

Michael begged, "Just tell us what you want."

I gasped and coughed for air.

The leader commanded Michael, "We want you to kill this dude. Oh and don't worry. The government will know about this."

I shouted at them, "Don't you fucking dare."

The tough guy kicked me again in the chest this time and commanded, "Shut up weasel."

"The little one doesn't even look like he's in his twenties yet." That's what one of them said before Micheal shouted, "You want me to kill a teen? Are you that insane? Who are you people?"

I took a deep breath and let it out. Realizing the actual identity with these people. These are obviously demons. The only ones who would want me dead as quickly as possible are them. "These demons are so dumb I swear," I said it out loud without giving it a second thought.

Micheal asked immediately, "Demons?" Which made me think I should be careful of my words. But I was fed up since they took someone that meant so much to me. It truly felt like I was separated from her.

"So I see someone here finally is well aware of who he's dealing with."

"You should know something you stupid demon. Clearly to me, you are considered the shitty ones. But let me tell you something right now."

Michael was getting a bit worried, "What's happening?"

The leader of the three comes to my face and takes a knee to stare straight into my eyes, trying to see the true demon in me.

I stared back at him in extreme rage. "I'll have you know that I am sick…" The energy stored inside me fires up, "...and tired…" I started to break the chains that were holding me captive. At this point the demons were looking at each other in fear, not knowing what to do. "...of you…" At this point my hands were free and I threw one nasty punch right across the leader's face. Knocking him out cold in the process. "...destroying…" I couldn't think straight at this point. In a pure rage, I punched the other one. "...MY LIFE!!!" I ended it by punching the last one. The last one was struggling to keep his balance as he was trying to stay up and not go out without a fight. But I picked him up and threw him down on the ground. The training I went through really got my strength back to be able to lift him off the ground.

Out of excitement, Micheal shouted. "WHOA!"

I see him still chained so I used my powers to break it myself. I see now that earth metals can't withstand the energy from the demon power. When I grab it and send my energy to the chain. I grasp it tight and it implodes into tiny pieces. Didn't take that much of my energy to break it either.

Michael stood up and took a step back, "Who are you? What the hell is this dark aura around you?"

I explained myself, "Micheal, my name is Shadow and I am also a demon. But! I am also the guy that was sent to save you."

I sense Michael getting a bit nervous as he chuckles in fear, "D-demon? From hell? You came here to end the world, aren't you? I'm not a sinner I promise."

"Calm down big man. I didn't expect that from someone like you. I work for Jack. I'm sure you know him as your sensei."

"And for a tiny man like you, I didn't expect that as well."

I twisted my head sideways and moved my lips to the side saying to myself, 'yea fair enough.'

He continues, "Oh and yes, Jack is my sensei. Is he a demon too?!? Maybe I did die and I'm in hell right now. Please tell me that Naomi is still alive."

"I said to relax. You are so irrational. You are not dead. My first sentence formally to you was that I am here to save you."

Michael was somewhat relieved, "That's good."

"Wait here for a moment." I went through random doors to find the storage room where my katana was stored. I picked it up and hugged it for some odd reason. I went back to where Michael was while holding the katana by my side. "Alright I am going to take you back to my base and talk about every-" I leaned back slightly as a bullet whizzed past me. The bullet, in the beginning, sounded like a quiet whistle coming closer. It broke the glass window at first. Then went past me and dug deep into the tiled floor. The window was small and blurry from not cleaning all the dirt that surrounds it.

"Shit, sniper." I grabbed my katana tight and tried to look for the enemy but. This sniper must be good. If the window was cleaned, my head would've came right off.

"Oh, it's Naomi." He waves his hand toward the window. I waited for something to happen.

This window was at a high point on the wall. Nothing much to see but darkness from the night sky. The nearest sniping point I can barely see would be that small hill at a far distance that could be relatively safe to snipe. But as I wait for something to happen, Michael continues to wave. A bush moves suddenly and a shadowy figure in the distance runs across. It wasn't that far from the building either. The mysterious person starts to appear more as the light illuminates her presence. It was a young girl probably a bit older than me. Long straight and smooth black hair that runs down her back. She has very noticeable almond-shaped eyes and her cheeks look smooth with a small nose and mouth. Her eyes were black making it look like she is more of an assassin type than anything. She was carrying her sniper and walking up to us. She seemed so upset.

"Michael! Where have you been? I've been searching for you for two days now. And who is this guy?" Her voice gave a clear indication that she was worried. She had the cutest accent as well.

I asked, "So is this her? This is the girl you were talking about earlier that you were going to and got lost?"

Michael wraps her arm around her, "Yep, this is her. My girlfriend, Naomi Yamamoto."

"That's great. I'm glad you got back together." I was kinda jealous a bit from seeing that at first. My heart, only able to wish, can it experience that comfort from… her again.

Naomi slapped Michael's hand out of the way, "Don't touch me! I'm mad at you!"

Michael responds, "Why baby?"

"Do you know how much was going through my mind these past two days? I couldn't even sleep knowing that you weren't okay or thinking that you were dead. You know you are such a meanie!"

Michael takes his finger to boop her small nose, "Don't be worried baby girl. I might have been gone for two days but believe me, I'm fine. I have so much to tell you."

Naomi crossed her arms and turned her head.

Michael continued, "Look, this is Shadow. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here right now."

Naomi stared at me dead in the eyes looking at me very angry at first but turned to me and took a step closer. "Thank you." she bowed slightly toward me.

I leaned back in surprise and scratched the back of my head, "Oh um no worries. I needed you two anyways to come with me. I have to tell Jack the mission was a success and see where he goes from there. He can probably whip up something to eat as well."

"Jack?" Naomi looked back at Michael.

"Oh he's my sensei in highschool, he sent Shadow to me cause he heard I was kidnapped."

"Didn't your highschool get demolished by a group of people like a year and a half ago or something?"

Michael exhaled heavily in disappointment, "Yea… I wasn't there to protect the students which still bothers me. I could have saved at least a few lives."

Naomi went up to Michael and held his hands immediately, "It's fine, stop blaming yourself. Let's go see your sensei and see if he's okay." Naomi was trying to make Michael happy.

Michael, "Alright that sounds good to me."

"Alright you two love birds, let's start moving. It's going to be a long walk."

We left the place and started to make our journey back to the house. The calming night showed no signs of draft. Just a full moon with a few clouds. The night was somewhat bitter and cold but doable. As of now, we are on the outskirts of the city walking down a lonely and empty road on the sidewalk. The outskirts help me navigate the right direction back home from this big city. Plus there is a beach next to us, and the water would make such a soothing sound as it hit the shores. Even though it was the long way around, I didn't mind it at all.