Chapter 19: The Harsh Truth

"I can't wait to see Jack again. Just… so many memories." Michael starts to daydream as he looks up at the night sky.

Naomi asked, "Really? Tell me about it."

"Well, Jack was our coach and like the coolest dude ever. He made everything fun for us. Our dojo was so cool on it's own. We were the best in the school. He also has a daughter called Katy. She was the tiniest one yet the strongest out of the entire girl's team."

Naomi was surprised, "She sounds badass huh?"

Michael was excited, "She was, she really was. She was so mean most of the time though, no jokes with her. But she won every girl tournament. No one dared to mess with her, especially that she was our coach's daughter. We view her as like a baby sister, she's younger than us after all."

Naomi said with a cheerful voice, "Wow, I can't wait to meet her."

"I can't wait to see her again. Hopefully, she has grown a bit taller and bigger than before. we shall see for ourselves." Micheal starts to laugh it out.

I had my head down looking at the sidewalk cracks and leaves. I didn't know how to break it to them that the worst thing had happened to that poor soul. And it was all because of me. No way anytime soon can I let go of the fact that, because of me, that adorable strong girl is no more.

"So Michael. Where were you doing the attack on the school?"

"I moved out of the city and decided to continue my career away. My new coach was Naomi's father and that's how we met."

"Sounds like a familiar story I heard before."

"Oh?" Michael looked at me with curiosity.

"Oh, I uh… well we just… um, nevermind we are almost there."

"You good?"

I quickly brushed it off, "I'm fine. So Naomi, have you trained to be a sniper your entire life? That shot was picture-perfect back there."

She looked at me with a gentle smiler on her face, "Thank you! And yes in my family we are snipers."

"And what made you fall in love with Michael? If I may ask."

Naomi started to freeze and her face turned red. "Oh… um…"

"Sorry! Did I go too far?"

"You can't ask a girl a question like that out of nowhere." She went toward Michael to hide in his chest.

Michael took her in for a tight hug. "Awh Naomi it's fine you don't need to be shy. How about you Shadow? You got a lucky lady with you."

I didn't know how to answer that at first. Took a moment of silence at first, "I um… have not been lucky. Very unlucky actually."

"Oh, sorry dude I didn't mean to hit you like that."

Naomi tried to reassure me by saying, "You'll find someone Shadow. Don't worry about it too much I promise."

I softly mumbled my words to respond to Naomi, "I don't plan on it."

They heard me but didn't want to take another step toward it. Thinking I would be uncomfortable about the situation they think I was in. But the true problem goes much deeper than they would ever expect. So we continued to walk in awkward silence. Naomi and Michael were holding hands in the back and chatting a bit while I was just leading the way so I didn't mind. When we finally got to the house, I knocked on the door and let myself in.


"Oh my god! SHADOOOW!" Nina came running down a corner and hugged me tightly. She didn't even slow down, not one bit. As I fell back, I hit the wall behind me which helped me regain balance as I leaned against it.

"Well look who's back. You're late." Jack wheeled himself toward the front door.

"Yes, I know, I'm sorry."

Linda was in an apron but came to check anyway, "Welcome back, son."

"Thank you, Linda."

Nina was holding me tight and not saying a word. I offered some words to her to help comfort her stress, "Heyyy~ it's okay. I'm back, big girl. Like I promised."

A tear fell from her cheek as she was doing her best to hide her face, "I was so worried."

Naomi softly shouted, "Awh." While hugging Michael.

"Hey, Michael." Jack was relieved to see him okay.

"Hey, Coach." They hugged each other and Michael knew that was the first thing he was gonna do. "What are you doing… on a wheelchair I mean? And where is Katy?"

Nina heard Katy and immediately got sad.

Jack realized that he was not informed of the losses during the tragic event. "So I see you have someone with you, let's go to my office and have a chat."

"S-sure. Come with me, Naomi."

While Linda helps Jack go to his office. Michael and Naomi were still holding each others' hands while walking toward the office. I continued to hug Nina and walked with her upstairs to her room so we could get a long hug to make her happy again. We both sat on her bed and immediately asked me.

"I missed you so much, are you okay? What happened to you?"

"Yeah sorry I got captured randomly and they bruised my tummy. No big deal I promise."

She began to hug me again, "You don't sound like you are okay. What's on your mind?

I had to give it to her straight. "It's just that… the two people downstairs that I brought in with me were such a couple it made me um… think about-"

Nina let me go and finished my sentence, "Katy?"

"Don't blame me, I just miss the feeling of having someone to take care for and to share my life with."

"Aww you're jealous. But that's why I'm here though." She grabbed my hand and place it on her heart.

I looked away slightly, "Yes… I know that bu-"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DIED." A shout echoes throughout the entire building. Michael finally heard the full story of what happened to Katy.

Nina was worried, "What's happening down there?"

"I'll go check, stay here." I ran downstairs to Jack's office and saw Michael frustrated and wanting to break everything.

"Michael, baby, please calm down." Naomi tries to hold Michael back as he slammed his fist on the desk.

"What do you mean they just killed her. How did you let that happen."

Jack took a deep breath, "Michael please sit down and I will explain everything."

Michael, still angry about the news, sat back down and Naomi sat on his lap to hug him tight. It was the only way for her to keep Michael at bay. Michael looked like he was twice the size of Naomi. His body and broad shoulder plus being tall made it look like Naomi had a mobile bed to rest and hug for her entire life. Seeing that side of Michael made me think how easily he could have broken the desk since I'm sure he was holding back as much as he could. After knowing the blame would eventually lead to me. I took a step inside the room and a step to the right. Leaned behind a wall and pulled up my hoodie. Jack went through the entire true history of the world. How the demons come to this world to destroy our lives and the dragons were born to kill them once and for all. He tells him that the war is still going on right now which led to Katy's death and Shadow's full story. At this point, I was expecting Michael to come to beat me up for being the sole reason for his best friend's death.

Namoi took the initiative by saying, "I'm sorry… I just don't know how you expect us to believe all this."

"So you're telling me that demons actually exist in this world, and those dudes were not joking with us." Michael continued his rant, "And there is an actual war going on and my school got affected by it."

Jack seemed disappointed, "Yes. That is why I sent Shadow to help you. We have been training him ever since he woke up from his coma and we knew you wouldn't know how to deal with demons."

Michael was still pissed off, "You must be joking. This has to be a joke. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat this tiny dude up right now. He literally told me he was a demon himself."

Michael took a good look at Jack's eyes and looked at him well. He focused in and studied his face to see if there was any doubt or lie to this reality. Jack gave no smirk, no smile, and no sign of backing down. He knew that, in this whole mess, he lost his most important daughter to him and will never get her back. To come off as a joke that there is a potential his whole family will be hunted and killed gave Jack no means to be joking around. This was a serious reality check to Michael and he knew that Jack was not in the mood to be making a joke.

"This is a joke, I'm out of here." Naomi was having a small breakdown from having to take in all this at once. "No way this is true, your coach got hit in the head or something. Babe let's leave."

I moved to the side. Blocking the doorway outside the office.

From the tone of her voice, she got annoyed. "Huh?"

"Baby stay." Michael shook his head, "He's not lying."

"What do you mean he isn't lying. Are you seriously going to believe this crap?"

"When I was captured, all chained up by a wall. Shadow used his weird dark purple magic to break me free and himself. That's not human, is it? He broke the chains himself, literally with just his hand and little to no effort."

After hearing that I started to get an ego boost and activated my aura. My eyes gleaming a shiny amethyst purple but Naomi had already turned her back on me to talk to Michael.

Micheal pointed at me, "Look."

Naomi turns around and screams, "AHH!"

She jumped backwards and lost her balance. Michael was there to catch her. Naomi regained her balance and ran behind Michael to hide.

Jack shifted his eyes to the side, "I told you I'm not insane… yet."

"How does he do that?" Naomi stared at me angrily from a distance.

"I don't know babe."

I couldn't hold it back anymore. So many emotions at once. Tears start flowing down my cheeks.

"Michael, look… the monster is crying."

"His name is Shadow." Jack trying to defend what's left of me.

She shook her head, "Monster."

That felt like a bullet to my heart. I was still labeled as a monster just from my background itself. It made me feel alone. In reality, the truth, I don't belong here. No one can see my pain and I wish I never had this life. Why does it got to be me that has to deal with all this hate.

"Didn't you hear what he had to go through, baby? If I lost you I would cry as well."

Naomi took a second and apologized, "I'm sorry."

Linda comes in to tell everyone, "Please stop screaming so much. You are scaring Yanni."

"Who's Yanni?" Naomi looking up at Michael.

"Jack's youngest daughter," Michael explained.

"Ooooh, how cute!"

Linda politely invited all of us, "By the way dinner is ready. Come and join us."

"We're coming," Said Jack.

I was the first one to leave the office before anyone else. Passing Linda and sitting myself somewhat in the middle of the table. Nina came downstairs and saw me with my hoodie on and my head down. I whipped my tears off my face with the hoodie quickly. She sat next to me quietly and put her arm around me.

Nina whispered, "Why didn't you come back, I was waiting for you." Slowly pulling my hoodie down.

"Sorry I got pissed. I wasn't ready for you to see me."

"Mister Shadow!" Yanni hugs my arm. "Welcome back, we missed you."

"Aww~" I hugged Yanni and picked her up to sit on the chair next to me. "I missed you too, little cupcake."

Michael and Naomi started to sit across the table from us and saw me hugging Yanni and taking care of her. Naomi was surprised to see that. Linda and Jack sat at opposite ends of the head of the table. Linda was next to Yanni at the corner to assist her whenever she needed. Only one seat was empty, which was next to Jack.

Nina whispers more into my ear, "Anyways, who are these people? Wasn't this the guy you were supposed to save? So what's with the girl you brought with you as well?"

I whispered back, "Don't be jealous. The girl is Michael's girlfriend." Immediately getting kicked in the leg. Softly screaming, "Ow."

"I'm not jealous."

"Ouch, fine okay damn I was joking."

Everyone was eating but it was silent. No one was talking at all. It felt like everyone was thinking about different things.

Yanni broke the silence, "Mommy, I'm going to bed."

"Okay sweetie go right ahead."

I watched Yanni wash her hands and head to her room.

"Thanks for the meal, Mrs. Rose. It was delicious." Michael complimenting Linda.

"You're very welcome."

Jack ordered, "You will be sleeping in the guests' room for tonight."

I was shocked, "W-what about me?"

"You can have Katy's room for the night."


Linda places her hand on my shoulder again, "Shadow please… just take it."

I wanted to argue so much but I couldn't, "Fine."

Nina whispered to me again, "You can sleep in my room if you want."

I choked on my food and was coughing it out.

"Oh my Shadow, are you okay?" Linda placed her hand on her chest. \

I quickly grabbed the water and drank it down. "Y-yes I'm fine thank you."

Nina was giggling next to me.

I whispered back, "You're parents will never allow that

Nina said back, "They don't really know."

"No, it's fine."

"We will see about that." Nina flipped her hair, hitting me a bit.

Naomi laid on Michael's arm, "I'm tired."

Michael announced his retirement, "Alright, we should go to sleep. Been a rough day."

Linda got up, "I will lead you to your room."

She takes Michael and Naomi to the guest room. Jack finished eating and started to head to his room. Getting up from the wheelchair and using the cane to walk up. I saw Nina take all the plates on the table and started to wash them clean. I went to Katy's room and started to take off my hoodie. I placed my hoodie hanging on one of the corners of the bed and hung it. I began to lay down on the soft bed and didn't care much to look around. I didn't even bother to cover myself with a blanket. I was laying there curled up in a ball hoping nothing bad will happen tonight. Just needed some space. Someone knocks on the door and opens the door slightly.

"Hey." A gentle whisper but I can tell it was Nina.

I sat up, "Hey."

Nina opens the door more, "Can I come in?"

"You okay?"

Nina comes in anyways and sits next to me, "Yep."

"What's up?"

"Um well…" She was a bit frustrated and shy at the moment.

"I can tell you got something to say. I won't judge, I promise."

"Fine, then just come with me." Nina grabs my hands and pulls me out of the bed. "We are going outside."

Didn't even give me a chance to respond and I didn't even fight it. I went with her quietly outside. As we got outside, the night seemed darker than usual even though the street lights were on.

"I just wanted to have a walk with you. It's very calming."

As I looked up, a beam of light appeared in the sky in an instant and disappeared. I think it was a shooting star. "Thank you for taking me for a walk. I needed this." I took a few deep breaths.

We were walking side by side next to each other. My hands were in my pockets. We reached a small park and a bench to sit on.

Nina looked up at the moon, "it's so beautiful."

I looked up to see a perfect crescent moon shape, "Katy would love to see the moon like that."

"Yea… I know."

"Sorry." I was tearing up again and cleared my eyes.

"Shadow?" She held my hand again. "Are you crying?"

I stuttered, "N-no."


"Look I'm sorry but… I've been thinking about your offer, about the life I can get with you and the care. But all I can think about is her. She's the first person that crosses my mind. She was just perfect to me. I can't do this to her. I really can't. I want to avenge her death at all costs. And I can't be with you while I'm dedicating my whole life to another woman. While putting your life on the line for my sake. She's the one who made me who I am today. And you deserve so much better than me."

Nina lets go of my hand, "I see."

I had enough at this point, "Can we walk you home now?"

We both started our walk toward the house. It was completely awkward the entire way back. When we got there I opened the door for Nina and she ran upstairs to her room. I was close to stopping her but not an ounce in my body had the guts to move a single strand of muscle fiber. I stood paralyzed, feeling slightly guilty of rejecting her. I had no words to combat what I could say to her. I hope I didn't break her heart too much. I didn't want to be mean. I couldn't live a lie.

"Girl Drama?"
