Noah was sitting across the table from Tom and said, “This is a lot more fun than Thanksgiving with my family.”
“Isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Some of these people are more like family than family, especially the choir members, if you know what I mean.”
“You bet I do.”
With Thanksgiving behind them, their workload increased dramatically. There were extra rehearsals for all of the special music needed for Christmas services, rehearsals for the big wedding, and as many vocal sessions at home as they could squeeze in between other events. They managed somehow to swim serious laps at least three times a week and actually took in a movie matinee one Saturday afternoon.
Noah arrived home one afternoon in mid-December somewhat later than expected, and Tom asked him why.
“Go look in the car,” Noah said.
TOM FOLLOWED NOAH to the driveway. A huge spruce tree protruded from the rear of the Volvo wagon. “Cool. You should have called me. I would have helped with this.”