Chapter 11

“Why does that not surprise me? What did they do?”

“They’ve set themselves up as a private school and had all of the necessary paperwork and documentation to prove it.”

“No shit!”

“Absolutely. They’re devoted to Ted at the moment, but eventually they plan to add a couple more students.”

“Way to go, Sarah and Parah,” Mickey said.


“I wonder what brought Ted to the attention of the school board?”

“That asshole of a headmaster from the Catholic school reported him—I’m sure of it.”

“You think?”

“There’s not a doubt in my mind. I pissed him off royally when I told him what I thought about his idea to drug Ted, so he decided to strike back.”

“Screw him,” Mickey said.

“I’d much rather screw you.”

“That sounds good, but I don’t think we have time before dinner.”

“After dinner is good.”

“You talked me into it,” Mickey said. “What else is going on?”

“Nothing worth reporting, except—”

“Except what?”