“Did Ted mention his brother’s current surgical status at all?”
“Yes, he did,” she said, “and you were right—seeing Chris in pain upset him.”
“We did our best to prepare him for that.”
“I’m sure you did, but you have to remember how young he is, and despite the love and understanding he’s received from the two of you, he’s still somewhat insecure.”
“Will he ever be totally over that insecurity?”
“That’s a tough question, and I’m going to stick my neck out and say that he will—eventually. However, it’s going to take time and patience from you and Chris.”
“How’s he doing, otherwise?”
“Remarkably well, I think. He’s come a very long way, but he still isn’t quite where he needs to be in terms of dealing with the past.”
“Thank you for all your help.”
“My pleasure,” she said, “and give my best wishes to Chris for a speedy recovery.”