“It means we made a commitment to monogamy while we were walking back down the mountain,” Kevin said.
“Good for you,” George said. “We like monogamy just fine, don’t we, babe?”
“You bet your ass we do.”
When we were settled on our respective chairs, George said, “David, Kevin has told us in broad terms what happened to you. Do you mind talking about it?”
“I don’t really like to,” I said.
“But you need to talk about it,” Kevin said. “The more you talk about it, the better you’ll be for having done so.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” I said. “Go ahead, guys, fire away.”
They asked pretty much the same questions that Kevin had asked the first time he’d seen me naked, and I answered them fully and completely. To my surprise, I found that the more I talked about it, the easier it became.
“I can’t imagine having to rely on a dildo to achieve any sort of gratification,” George said. “That can’t have been easy.”