“No argument there, but it’s a lot to live up to.”
“And we’ll live up to it. You bet your ass we will.”
“Speaking of my ass,” Kevin said, “that last session was very nice—and my ass is glad you trimmed your nails.”
“Funny man.”
“Seriously, David, I never thought I would ever find anyone that I would or could love as much as I love you. You do know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, and I love you even more, so there.”
“Always have to have the last word, don’t you?”
“You bet.”
DAVID’S PARENTS HAD insisted that we come to Charlotte for Christmas again that year, and we’d agreed to spend at least half of our Christmas break with them. To head off any further family drama, David asked his mother to quietly tell his brother that he and I were a couple, and she had, to our surprise, agreed to do just that. The visit was fine and there was no drama, other than that provided by his brother’s toddler and the new baby, which was drama enough as far as we were concerned.