“My sister was a spinster schoolteacher,” she said.
“Will Grandpa be able to go to Mom’s tomorrow for dinner?”
“He’s not strong enough this year. I’ve got someone coming over to stay with him. Have you called your mother to let her know you arrived safely?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I did that from the car just before we turned down your road.”
“I wish you got along better with your father and the others.”
“Grandma, it’s a bit late for that. Pop never really liked me all that much, and except for Mom, I don’t have much use for any of them. Both of my siblings are much older than me, and we were never close. You know I joined the army to get away from all that.”
“I know,” she said, “but I worry about you sometimes.”
“I have a good life, Grandma, and I live with a guy who has become the best friend I’ve ever had in my entire life. In less than three years’ time, we’ll be opening our accounting office and working hard to build a practice.”