“This is a nice-looking house,” Grandma said.
Jacksonville, FLKevin
BEFORE WE UNLOADED the car and trailer, we walked her through the house. She was impressed with the size of the guest bedroom, now her room.
“I can put my chair in the corner, right there,” she said.
“You can put it in the living room or out on the porch, if you like,” David said. “A former owner extended the air and heat out there when he enclosed it.”
“Maybe I’ll try that,” she said. “There might be more to see. Let’s get all that stuff out of the car.”
We got the car and trailer unloaded in short order, and David said, “Grandma, before you start putting everything away, we need to take you to lunch.”
“Okay,” she said. “No point working on an empty stomach. Can I check out the kitchen first?”
We followed her into the kitchen and waited patiently while she checked the refrigerator and pantry. Then she said, “For a couple of bachelors, you boys have a pretty well-stocked pantry.”