“Adam’s son by this particular wife.”
“She ran off and left her kid—how old is he?” I said.
“Four or five… I lose track. She not only left him, she signed away her parental rights.”
“I told you my family, present company excluded, are mostly rednecks,” Kevin said.
“Yes, you did,” I said, “but I didn’t quite grasp the concept until I met them.”
We spent a little time in our den, catching up on bill-paying and things; then we settled down on the front porch to wait. It was one of my favorite rooms in the house. A former owner had done a good job of enclosing what had once been an open porch. It extended across the front of the house, and windows ran around three sides of it. In addition to Grandma’s easy chair, there was a small sofa and a couple of side chairs.