Chapter 48

“That ain’t gonna happen,” he said.

“Why not?”

“Because six months ago, I joined the club.”

“What the dickens does that mean?” she said.

“It’s what men say when they’ve had a vasectomy, Grandma,” Kevin said.

“Yeah,” Adam said. “I got myself fixed. I can still have sex, only now I shoot blanks. Should of had it done years ago—would have saved a ton of money.”

“Adam!” Grandma said in a tone that reeked of both displeasure and disgust.

He shrugged his shoulders and didn’t bother to reply.

“Can you spend the night?” Kevin said.

“Sorry, no. I’ve got a room at a budget motel near the airport, and I have to catch a six o’clock flight to Atlanta in the morning. I have to work the graveyard shift at the plant tomorrow night, and that means time and a half—and I can’t afford to miss it.”

“Then we’d better get busy,” I said.

“Doing what?” Kevin said.