SUNDAY MORNING, GRANDMA decided to stay home with Anthony while we went to church. We lingered in the back of the church after the service, waiting for everyone to leave. Then we walked up to speak to Father Cullen.
“Where’s your grandmother, Kevin?” he said. “I trust she’s well.”
“She’s fine, Father Cullen,” Kevin said.
“I wish you’d call me John.”
“Okay, John. Grandma’s at home taking care of Anthony.”
“My brother came to see us Friday night and left his five-year-old with us. David and I are going to adopt the boy, if we can.”
“Left him with you?”
“Adam is almost forty and just divorced his third wife. His new girlfriend doesn’t like kids.”
“And the mother?”
“Ran away with another man. Gave up her parental rights. My dad’s family can be kind of low-class, to say the least. That’s why I don’t have much to do with them.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” John said. “You guys are taking on a huge responsibility—but more power to you. How can I help?”