“I knew you would,” she said.
We sat quietly for a few minutes, and she said, “Aren’t you going to ask me how much money we’re talking about?”
“No,” Kevin said. “We’ll help you do whatever you want to do with it, but we don’t need to know that. It’s really none of our business.”
“Yep,” I said. “None of our business.”
“Our only business now, and for the foreseeable future,” Kevin said, “ is making sure that Anthony doesn’t turn out like the rest of my family.”
“Amen to that,” Grandma said.
We went car shopping that week and finally traded my Toyota and Kevin’s Mustang in on a year-old Escape that featured very low mileage and a new-car warranty.
Jacksonville, FLKevin
APRIL SEGUED INTO May, May into June, and June seemed to disappear right out from under us almost before we knew it. Anthony started in the summer program at St. Mark’s, and we settled down into a life of domesticity.