“No, but I promised my wife I’d lose twenty-five pounds by the end of the year, so I’m only eating healthy stuff, and it’s not a lot of fun.”
“Sorry,” I said.
“You and Kevin are looking fit,” Russ said.
“And we work very hard keeping that way,” I said. “We go to the Y every morning to swim laps—unless we’re out of town.”
“It’s a constant battle,” Kevin said, “because Grandma loves to cook, and it’s hard to pass up all that good food when it’s right there on the plate in front of you.”
“Well,” Dad said, “now that Russ is back to keep the patient company, why don’t you boys and I go grab a bite. I had a light lunch, what with one thing and another, and I’m more than ready to eat.”
“Why don’t you take them to that nice Italian restaurant?” Mom said.
“You mean Mama Ricotta’s?” Dad said.
“Yes,” she said. “It’s not very far from here.”
“So much for my low-fat diet,” Dad said.
“We’ll start that together when I get home from the hospital,” she said.